What you get.. Silver Gold Platinum
per month
R 2500*
per month
Listing Travel Inventory Mandatory* Mandatory* Optional*
Seller Commission 3% or 5% ** 5% or 7% *** N/A
Customer Service Provided Provided N/A
Setup Fees Rs. 35,000 Rs. 70,000 N/A
Own travel inventory NO NO YES
Own Payment Gateway Integration NO YES YES

* Infibeam provides inventory for flights, hotels, bus and car rentals

**3% on airline, 5% on other travel including Hotel, Bus, Car rental (commission offered on base price) OR 5% worth gift voucher of Infibeam across all travel

*** 5% on airline base price, 7% on other travel (hotel, bus, car rental) base price OR 7% gift voucher of Infibeam across all travel

PG integration charges as actuals (prepaid credit required) Comissions percentages are subject to change